Sources |
- [S13] Allen, Marguerite Hendricks, Henry Hendricks Genealogy, (Henry Hendricks Family Organization, Third Ed. 1995), Fourth Generation, p. 49., JSMB US/CAN Book 929.273 H384a.
- [S12] Leavitt, DelLynn W., Probabilities, Possibilities, Commonalities and Plain Common Sense., ((Recently out of print)), Fourth Generation, p. 49.
Samuel Hendricks lived on the West Branch of Drakes Creek in Simpson Co., Kentucky with his father Abraham Hendricks very near to the Tennessee boarder.
- [S13] Allen, Marguerite Hendricks, Henry Hendricks Genealogy, (Henry Hendricks Family Organization, Third Ed. 1995), Fourth Generation, p. 49., JSMB US/CAN Book 929.273 H384a.
BIRTHDATE: Given as 21 or 30 Jan 1821
DEATHDATE: Given as 13 or 15 Sep 1868
As of 1963 the only available source of information concerning Albert and his
descendants is from three old letters which pertain to him, copied verbatim:
Upshur County, Texas
July 20, 1868
To James Hendricks or Neriah Louis
Dear Uncle & Brother:
I adopt this method of writing to you a few lines & I have no doubt if you ever
get this letter but you will be surprised & anxious to hear the news about the
family, as I am to hear from you all. You will want to know who of the
Hendricks family are yet living. Sister Sarah and myself and families and
Brother William's family are all of the close kind that I know of now living.
I have not heard from any of the rest of the family for a long time. Father
died 11 years ago in La. Sister Catherine died a year or two before father and
left a husband and two children, a boy and girl, that are both since marryed.
Brother Abraham died in the army six years ago with measles. Brother William
died four years ago and also two of his sons. His wife and five children are
all living at home, none marryed yet, on Red River in La. I was over in La. to
Sister Sally's and Nancy's two years ago. The first time I had seen them since
we were children. Sally was well and hearty and her family. Her son John
Wattis, is grown and is a nice young man. Her husband's name is Lunsford. He
appears to be a good, kind-hearted man and all appeared to be getting along
very well. They belong to the Baptist church. So did father and Catherine in
their life time. William never joined any church. He lived and I recon, died,
a Universalist. I forgot the Edwards family, James and Newt, and their sister
Elizabeth, all have familys and are living in Dallas County, Texas. All are
good citizens and doing very well.
Cousin John Hendricks and Ruthy are alive yet and live in Grason County,
Texas, and are doing very well. I hear from them onst in a while. We have not
heard of Brother Nelson for a long time and suppose he is dead. Giles died in
the Mexican war upwards of 20 years ago. We have not heard from Josiah for a
long time. He was in California the last time we heard from him. He was
single and then living near Sister Elizabeth. Now will tell you something of
myself and family. I am living with my second wife and have two children by
each one. My oldest daughter is grown, and Sam my oldest boy is 14 years old.
The youngest is small. All stout, healthy children. I have not enjoyed good
health for a long time until this summer. My health has been better than
usual. The health of our country is generally good. We have fine crops and
provision is very plentifull in Texas except wheat that has been destroyed for
a year or two by the grasshoppers. Now I have wrote to you what will most
immediately interest you at this time and now I must ask of you both if living
or either and if not your familys to answer my letter soon as possible for you
do not know how much I crave to hear from you all and especially Sister Tabitha
and Elizabeth and Josiah and Brother Allen's children and all the kind and
friends you know of. My post office is Upshur County, Texas Point Pleasant
P.O. Please send my letter to any of the family you can. I want you all to
write soon and I will write more when I hear from you. No more at present,
Yours til death
Albert Hendricks
I know Tabitha or Aunt Drusilla will write to me if they are alive & dont
Exact copy--written by the second wife of Albert (Francis Sarah):
February 7th-1869
Dear sister I with a heavy heart take pen in hand to try to write to you
again for fear you never received the other as the distance is fair between us
I will write manney things that I wrote before I must tell you again that youre
brother is dead he departed this life on the 13 of September 1868 he has
suffered agradel for the last seven years with a pain in his head and a ginrel
debility of health and then he was taken with a sore mouth it comensed eating
as tho he was salivated tho he was not it continued spreading untill it
destroied over on half of his fase and extended down his neck he was violentley
attacted the first day of August and remained in great agony untill September
the 13 when he departed this life he was in his right mind untill the last he
was a unprofessor tho he was strictley honest and lived a normal life heexpressed a great desire to hear from you all and sed if he lived if he ever
did recover and cold hear from you he wold moove our thar We received youre
leter November the 1 and one from Aunt December the 2 when you read this please
send it two her for fear she never got the one I sent We was truly glad to
hear from you all and I want you to continue writing for we will be truly glad
to hear from you all Henerety is the name of his oldest daughter she will be
nineteen 19 the 6 day of August next his sone name Samuel James these two his
first wifes our oldest is a daughter her name is Ann Tabitha her Paugh named
her expressley for you he sed you was his favorite sister when you was small
and he expressed agreat anxiety to se you Tabitha is a rosey child her hair is
red i will send you some. She is 11 years old next July the 15 hoursone is
amischievous babe 2 years old August next his name is John. I have one daughter
by my first Husband her name is Sarah Gabrellah Watson there is six of us in
famley We have a small farm two hundred and fifty achors of land forty in
cultivasion a good orchard and ayverry good house and stock a nuff to answer
our purpos I again take my pen in had to try to finish this letter this being
the twelfth I was called off to se one of my neases dye and leav her dear
husband and babe I sent your letters to Sarah and Nancy I received letters
from them last week they were all well Salleys oldest boy has left home to try
what he can do for his self you sed you wanted youre Brothers potograps I only
wish I had it it wold be a pleshure to me to send it to you I requsted him to
hav it taken time after time he always sed he never wanted no one to se him
when he was gon and he wold not have it taken I will git the childrens taken
the first chanse and will send you Tabithas I wold like to have yourse.
I want you to write to me I wold like to ceep up corrispondence with you pleese
send this to Aunt give my love to all and receiv a portion youre self write
soon yourse truley from youre sister in adistant land with her little children
round her and there paugh is not hear my heart srinks at the thoights of it
excuse my bad ritten letter my pen is bad and a bad hand to youse it I shal
look for a answer soon Yourse truley from Mis Francis Sarah Hendricks to her
sister in a distant land.
January the 1 - 1872
Dear Sister and famley I am blest with the opportunity of informing u how we are
agitting along we are all enjoying moderate good health except Heneretty she
departed this life December the 18-1870. She died with the pneumona she was
taken verrey severe lived only 7 days we had all dun for her that was in the
power of man to do it was heart rending to give her up She was a dutiful child
and as kind to me as my own daughter we feel lonely now
My daughter is staing with my brother agoing to school two hundred miles from
Samuel and Almira Tabitha is going to school from home My self and Johney and
the oald black woman keps house you may know that I am truley glad to get
letters from my departed husbands friends they are comfort to me we are
agitting along verrey well make aplenty for anet suport and have the kindest uv
neighbors Sam is a great boy he is like a man more than a child William
Hendricks was to se ues last fall he ses they are agitting along verrey well
I heard from them recently they are all well Heneretty spent 18 months with
her Ant Salley they did not git along verrey well so she came home again tho
her health was ruend she sed all she craved was home she sed she received no
kind words from her Aunt She called me to her bead the evening she died she
said O Maw I never knew uncindness untill I left home I ever am thankful for
your kindness and thank God that I can dy in youre pres. I never saw u sister
Sarah I always imagined I would love her like a sister My dear husband loved
her and requested his daughter to spend a portion of her time with her.
She has forbid me sending her anny letters that I recieve from Salt Lake tho me
and her husband keepes up correspondans as ever he was a friend to Heneretty
and she sends her love to me in every letter I wrote to her to send me the
famley record that I mite send it to u to se she refused Albert Hendricks was
born 30 November 1855 Henretty Hendricks was born August the 6 she departed
this December the 18-1870 Sameul was born Feb the 9-1855 Myne F. S. Hendricks
was born Feb 27-1828 A T Hendricks was born July the 14-1858 John Hendricks
was born No the 5-1866 Youre Father Departed this life April 1856 We went to
git our potographs taken Samuel was looking rather pale and he would not have
his taken Then he ses he was (rest of letter is gone)
- [S6] Research Notes. Beverly Hathaway and Mary Hart, Sumenr Co., TN., Marriage Records, 1787-1828, FHL Film # 467,485, p. 57.
Samuel Hendricks and Rebecca Dorris, 4 October 1813 by William Summers.
Page 9. of notes.
- [S26] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), (FamilySearchâ„¢ International Genealogical Index v5.0).
Lucinda Fariss and Albert Hendricks.
- [S14] 1850 United States Census Images, (, Upshur Co., TX, Pct. 5, Im., 4 of 56.
Hendrix, Francis 42 Keeping House Ohio
Samuel 14 Tx
Elmira 12 "
John 3 "
Watson, Sarah 19 Mo
Sharlitt, Jane 60 Va
- [S2] Henry Hendricks Family Organization, Mary Hart Research Director,, Henry Hendricks PAF File Version 2,0, (Released on CD 7 Apr 2000).